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Showing posts from April, 2007

Software Architecting vis-a-vis Engineering

To build is to visualize and create. In any core science, a necessity triggers a process which culminates with an solution for the problem which mandated the search for an answer in the first place. Since ancient times a need has driven the human kind to reach out of the sphere of its intelligence and come up with an “Idea” which is thought not possible in the prevalent realm of finite. There have been innumerable ideas which have given a new course to the direction in which the world has moved. A wheel may be the mother of all inventions also laying claim to the earliest possible inventions known to humankind. A wheel was driven by the need for momentum and it has passed through various stages from a oblong rock in the earliest period to the composite spheres which we are now building for robots which can use them to travel on any surface. This whole process of the solution for momentum can be segregated into 3 parts, the need which is the requirement for momentum between two finite p

Band aid for cancer….....

In all the hype and the hoopla surrounding the shenanigans of the “gods” of cricket, aka the board, players, media, agents, ad agencies, spouses, cooks, drives “falana dimka” one phrase which has stuck is “Band Aid for Cancer”. Greg for all his follies or good at heart spirit that he may have carried, which we will never know due to our wise old men’s decision to lay to rest his legacy or lack of it whichever way to look at it, couldn’t be more apt when he quoted the above phrase…. None have hit the middle stump in summarizing the psyche of actions of the people in question more than Messrs Chappel. Why just cricket, isn’t that how it has always been, in all spheres of our life, in all spheres of our interactions and daily needs. Band aid for cancer…. The mother of all medications. Band aid to solve all the ills. The one cure for all. A hypocritical solution called band aid for a menace called cancer. We are governed by some of the most corrupt and inept administrators the world has kn

Rising from the shadows....

Shadows are good for concealing the form of the object it hides. You can make out the silhouettes in the shadows, but can only guess as to what lies in there. We as a nation have always been afraid of what lies in the shadows, afraid of facing ourselves in the harsh glare of the light, content to live in the dark, content with past, content in singing hosannas to our culture as in the past, content in basking in the glories of the kings long gone and kingdoms long lost. India as a entity has been content living in the shadows for a couple of centuries, never really finding the courage to step out in the light, let the rays illuminate it for all its glories and the warts. India has chosen to live a life in the darkness, happy with what could be the future rather than what is the future. But what is it that make a nation, what is it that defines the Indian-ness in an Indian. What is it that is identified with being Indian. Is it not the people who make up the identity of a nation, the pe